Forena Friends
Forena Friends is a collection of characters created for the Forena apartment brand. These figures are designed with a harmonious blend of shapes and symmetry to represent the connection between people and the space they inhabit. The emotional aspect of city living is emphasized through the use of Forena Friends, which can be customized to represent a variety of people and pets living in Forena apartments. They are applied in various forms including art walls, pictograms, and signage systems.
The use of images helps to bring the concept of a connection between people and space to life, emphasizing the emotional experience for residents in cities. The versatility of Forena Friends allows for them to be portrayed in different ways, from being merged into one shape to being spread out, showcasing the diversity of people and pets living in Forena apartments.
As a team leader, I worked with my team members to develop a concept, create visuals, and complete the ' Forena Friends' branding.
Client: Hanwha E&C
Job Title: Project Manager
Date : 2020 - 2021